Glulx Image Centering by Emily Short

Version 4 (for Glulx only)

"Glulx Image Centering adds the ability to display an image that is centered (left/right) on the screen."
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* indicates included extension uses authorial modesty

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Glulx Image Centering adds the ability to display an image that is centered (left/right) on the screen. To do this, it uses up the first of the two available custom user text styles, defining it to be center-justified.

To invoke Glulx Image Centering, we say

display figure foo centered.

To display cover art in our game, we might include something like this:

Include Glulx Image Centering by Emily Short. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

When play begins:
display figure of small cover centered;
pause the game.

This would display a picture in the middle of the screen, then wait for a keypress, then clear the screen before going on with the game.

A word of warning: not all Glulx interpreters will necessarily handle this operation correctly. Authors are advised to check the performance of their game on a variety of interpreters, or have their beta-testers do so.
Version 4 of Glulx Image Centering (for Glulx only) by Emily Short begins here.

"Glulx Image Centering adds the ability to display an image that is centered (left/right) on the screen."

Include Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.

Table of User Styles (continued)
style namebackground colorcolorfirst line indentationfixed widthfont weightindentationitalicjustificationrelative sizereversed

To display (chosen figure - a figure-name) centered:
   say first custom style; say " ";
   display chosen figure inline;
   say " [line break]";
   say roman type;
To display (chosen figure - a figure-name) inline:
   (- DrawInline({chosen figure}); -)

Include (-

[ DrawInline N;
   glk_image_draw(gg_mainwin, ResourceIDsOfFigures-->N, imagealign_InlineUp, 0);


Glulx Image Centering ends here.